Info session on Erasmus+ opportunities for students and staff within the Europe Days in Ukraine (24.05.2022, online)

On 24 May 2022, representatives of the National Erasmus+ office in Ukraine took part in an event within the Europe Days in Ukraine organized by the Volyn Medical Institute. More than 15 students and staff of the Institute and the Lutsk Medical College joined the event.

During the online session, the NEO – Ukraine provided 3 presentations on the opportunities within Erasmus+ of academic mobility for organizations and individuals, as well as VET actions.

Kateryna ZHDANOVA, NEO – Ukraine, presented the EU Erasmus+ Program, its priorities and opportunities for 2021-2027, as well as individual opportunities for studying and teaching, youth exchanges and volunteering, providing clear guidance on successfull participation. Speaker also drew attention to the additional opportunities of the Erasmus+ Programme and others for Ukrainians during the war.

Ivanna ATAMANCHUK, NEO – Ukraine, during the presentation “Effective implementation of Erasmus+ mobility projects: opportunities in higher education” highlighted key features and aspects of the implementation of mobility projects. Speaker provided advices on partner search, agreements signing and coordinating internal procedures for high-quality and transparent procedures for students and university staff.

Veronika TKACHENKO, NEO – Ukraine,  presented Erasmus+ opportunities for VET for pre-university education institutions, emphasizing new opportunities for cooperation and capacity building through the implementation of various VET action projects together with partners from Ukraine and the EU.

Presentations and materials

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